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The Benefits of Coaching For Your Fertility Journey

An expectant mother looks over her empty crib waiting the arrival of her unborn baby. wisconsin infertility treatment, Fertility Support

The journey to conception can be a long and difficult one for many couples. The obstacles that are faced can leave you disappointed and heart-broken. Many reach a point where they feel as if they have tried every medical intervention under the sun. Yet they still do not have the precious baby they have longed for. 

So often, when a couple reaches this point, the belief that they can conceive starts to fade. In my own journey through many years of infertility, I experienced that push and pull between hope and stress and suffered for a long time in silence. Above all, walking this path led to my growing passion to coach and support others in the same position. 

What is a Fertility Coach?

New life can be exciting with the right fertility coach. infertility hope, wisconsin fertility coach

In short, a fertility coach is someone who can help you navigate the emotional and physical aspects of your fertility journey. But the truth is, my role as a coach is so much deeper than this.

When you and your partner are struggling with fertility, it is often a very alienated and isolated place. Not everyone around you understands where you find yourself. They might offer well-meaning, but hurtful advice. Or they may unknowingly dismiss how you are feeling about your fertility struggles.

Whatever the case may be, when you are aching to conceive, it’s easy to feel very alone in the journey. As a fertility coach, one of my primary roles is to support you! To be a listening ear and to help you navigate each step on the path to conception.

I also help create a custom-tailored fertility plan that is unique to you and your specific needs. 

What is a Fertility Plan?
An expecting couple hold the photo of their unborn babies sonogram while the man kisses the woman on the forehead in the background. trying to conceive

Together, we explore all aspects of your lifestyle. While still honoring your core beliefs and values, we will create a plan. This plan will address things like diet, exercise, stress levels and environmental factors. Knowing these pieces will help us get a better view of ways to optimize your fertility and help increase your chances for conception. 

There may be elements of your lifestyle that could be impacting your fertility without you even knowing it! A great example would be drinking from plastic water bottles. These bottles have xenoestrogens in them that can mimic estrogen in our bodies. An elevated level of estrogen can pose challenges for a woman who is aiming to conceive. It disrupts the delicate hormonal balance necessary for ovulation and regular menstrual cycles. Something as simple as changing the way you drink your water could greatly improve your chances of getting pregnant!

As your fertility coach, I will also offer you acceptance combined with accountability. Making lifestyle shifts can be difficult, and knowing that you aren’t doing it alone can make a world of difference. I do not simply hand over a plan that then you navigate on your own. I am with you every step of the way to ensure you are healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

What is the Coaching Timeline?

A close up of a newborn infants feet with their arms in the background. Fertility Support trying to conceive

When we get started with fertility coaching, here is what you can expect:

1. Creating Your Fertility Profile

Firstly, through an initial in-depth interview, we will take a deeper look at all of your fertility particulars. I will ask custom questions to better understand your personal fertility journey. In this case, it is best to leave no stone unturned, so to whatever extent you are willing to share about your infertility I want to hear about it. 

2. Develop a Fertility Strategy

Second, based on what we learn during your interview, I will develop a personalized and workable strategy. This will be tailored to your needs and your preferences. The purpose of this strategy is to help you achieve a successful pregnancy as quickly and easily as possible. When necessary, we can modify or adapt the fertility strategy to keep us pointed in the right direction.  

3. Continued Support and Guidance

Finally, with the strategy in hand, we will continue to keep in touch throughout the process. I provide coaching through a HIPAA-certified video-based platform and you will have access to me through various platforms. I am with you through thick and thin!

Fertility Coaching Next Steps

Set up your consultation with an online fertility coach today.

If you are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by your fertility journey, feel as though you’ve tried ALL the supplements and read ALL the books, and you’ve been poked and prodded and still don’t have any answers, then fertility coaching is a great next step for you.

To book a complimentary consultation call, simply visit this link here! In this call you can ask any questions you have to see if fertility coaching is right for you. You can also access my FREE download on 5 Supplement Essentials to Getting Healthy here. These can help support you in your fertility goals. Finally, I’d love to have you join my free Facebook Community with other women searching for fertility support.