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Let’s Talk Food and Fertility

Baby laying on back with feet crossed as in the womb

If you’re dreaming of adding a tiny new member to your family, you’re in the right place. One thing I’ve noticed in my practice—and it’s something many of us overlook—is how crucial the role of nutrition is in fertility. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and anticipation of trying for a baby and miss out on the golden opportunity to prepare your body for what’s to come. Think of it as laying down the best soil for the seeds you plan to sow, taking a holistic view of what your body needs. Let’s dive into how what you eat now can support your fertility and pave the way for a healthy pregnancy.

Embarking on the journey to parenthood can be filled with so much hope and, sometimes, a bit of uncertainty. But here’s a little secret: the power of a nutrient-rich diet is immense when it comes to prepping your body for pregnancy. It’s not just about eating right for now but nourishing your body in preparation for the incredible work it’s about to do.

Healthy foods that support nutrition and conception

Nutrient-Dense Foods for Your Fertility Journey

  • Folic Acid is Your Friend: Before those two lines ever appear on a pregnancy test, folic acid is already at work. Leafy greens, avocados, and legumes are not just tasty; they’re laying the groundwork for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Say yes to Omega-3s: These essential fats found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts are like fertility booster shots. They’re great for you, great for your partner, and super great for your future little one.
  • Iron Up: Your ovulation needs iron to be at its best. Incorporate red meat, poultry, fish, lentils, and, of course, leafy greens to keep your iron levels topped up.
  • Calcium for Two: You’re planning for a plus one, so why not start the calcium intake now? Dairy, fortified foods, and almonds are all great sources.

Emphasizing the importance of nutrition in fertility and pregnancy, a study published by the National Institute of Health highlights how a well-balanced diet rich in specific nutrients can significantly influence reproductive health. This research underscores the critical role of vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and calcium, in enhancing fertility and supporting a healthy pregnancy and fetal development.

The study advocates for incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods to ensure an optimal intake of these essential nutrients, thereby improving outcomes for both mother and child. This external validation reinforces our approach at My Innate Fertility, underscoring the profound impact of dietary choices on the journey toward conception and throughout pregnancy.


A black and white sketch of a spine on white paper with a clipboard. Brookfield prenatal chiropractor Prenatal chiropractor Brookfield pediatric chiropractor

Chiropractic Care: The Perfect Partner

It’s not just about what you eat but also about how your body functions. Chiropractic care is about more than just dealing with back pain; it’s about preparing your body to be the best home for your future baby. Our approach includes specialized Chiropractic for infants and Toddlers in Brookfield, focusing on gentle adjustments designed to support the developmental needs of your youngest family members. This early intervention addresses common childhood conditions, ensures proper growth patterns, and lays the foundation for lifelong health. By integrating chiropractic care into your child’s wellness routine, we work together to optimize their health outcomes, demonstrating our holistic commitment to patient care across all ages. Our team is dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment where families in Brookfield can find comprehensive solutions for health and well-being from infancy through adulthood.

Here’s How We Can Help:

  • Nervous System Supercharge: A well-aligned spine is key to a healthy nervous system, which you’ll need in tip-top shape for pregnancy.
  • Pelvic Harmony: A balanced pelvis means a more comfortable pregnancy and potentially an easier birth. Let’s make sure you’re aligned and ready.
  • Saying Goodbye to Discomfort: We’ll help manage those pregnancy-related aches and pains, making your journey to motherhood as smooth as possible.


Nutrition and chiropractic care are a match made in fertility heaven. We believe in this dynamic duo’s power to enhance your fertility and support a healthy pregnancy. We’re all about the whole picture—how you nourish your body with food and how we can help your body prepare and adjust to the changes it will go through. Ready to take the next step on your path to parenthood? We’re here to support you with personalized care that encompasses your diet and physical well-being. Get in touch here, or call (262) 796-5108.

For personalized guidance and to learn more about how our fertility coaching can support your journey, I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation call. Simply click here to book your session. This is a fantastic opportunity to ask any questions and discover if our approach aligns with your needs. And there’s more—join our vibrant and supportive Facebook Community. It’s a space where women can come together for support, information, and encouragement. The insights and connections you’ll find in this group could be a game-changer in your fertility journey.